Archive for April 2015
Highlights from Challenger Game Two

Challenger Game Two
Game two on Saturday April 18, 2015 at Ridgeview Park started with GREAT weather. The warmer weather really made it way more comfortable for the kids for game 2. Definitely one of the highlights from our second game was just seeing how much more comfortable the kids were coming to the field to play ball. Some of the kids that had a really hard time the first week, it was noticeable that they were having fun.
One of the kids who had a great week two was Cody. Cody pictured here rounding 3rd!
Way to go Cody!
Opening Day for Challenger
Saturday April 11, 2015
Opening Day!
What an exciting and fun day it was, Saturday April 11 at Ridgeview Park in Abbotsford. It was the opening day for Challenger Baseball. After the planning and the anticipation it was great to finally have our first game. The weather cooperated and sun even came out.
Thirteen players signed up for Challenger so far this season. Players were divided into two teams, "Cardinals" and "Blue Jays."
Thirteen volunteers signed up online to be buddies to assist the players during game. The volunteers included; Players, Coaches, and Parents from our association along with other members from the community. Volunteers arrived at 9:30 AM and put on a Challenger Volunteer Shirt. Before the players arrived we started with a quick buddy clinic to review the rules for being a buddy.
As players arrived they were given a uniform and paired with a buddy. Players and Buddy's played catch before the game.
Then it was Game Time!
It was an awesome opening day.
First Post
Welcome to the Abbotsford Challenger Baseball Blog!
Here is where you will find the latest news on the Abbotsford Challenger Baseball Program.
Challenger is a division of the Abbotsford Angels. This will be the first season for Challenger in Abbotsford. Our association is super excited to be able to include Challenger as a division this year.
Opening day for Challenger is April 11, 2015
If you would like more info on Challenger or would like to help with Challenger please email