Archive for 2015
Challenger 2015 Year in Review
AAHA Challenger Baseball 2015 Year-end Report
Challenger Baseball is an opportunity for children with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy the thrill of playing baseball, be part of a team, develop physical and social skills plus all the other benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities. Games are played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept. Our philosophy is very simple: 'Play, just for fun!!'
Sponsorship / Grants / Donations
Thanks to Sponsorship, Grants, and Donation we were able to make it a no fee program in 2015, not collecting any league fees from the families who participated in Challenger. We were also able to supply New Uniforms and New Batting helmets to keep for each player.
We had 14 Players register and play Challenger Baseball in 2015. At the beginning of the season we started off by visiting each family at their home to introduce ourselves, show them some baseball equipment and try on a helmet that they kept for the season. From the 14 players two teams were formed. Each week on Saturday's from 10am - 11am we played a fun game at Ridgeview Park. It was impossible to leave that park each week without feeling great. Anyone that came out to help or watch could see how cool it was for the players and it was impossible not to spend the whole hour smiling.
A big part of the Challenger Baseball Program is Volunteers, "Buddies". We needed 2 Coaches and 1 buddy per player for each game. I was worried that organizing the volunteers for each game was going to be the hardest part of the season. I used a Online Sign up sheet for volunteers that had time slots that people could fill in for each week. It was a nice surprise that all the slots filled up so quickly and with very little soliciting from me. Our association came through big time to help out from our Angels we had:- Coaches
- Players
- Parents
- Umpires
- Teams; Bantam AA, Bantam A
From the community we had the Cardinals come out twice and other members of the community who committed to come out each week.
Special Events
We attended BC Challenger Jamboree in Burnaby. Each season one of the challenger leagues hosts a Jamboree which is a one day Challenger Baseball Day for all the challenger teams in BC. There were over 13 different challenger teams there. There was music, baseball games, food, and special guests like Ronald McDonald and Bob The Brown Bear. We also attended the BC Challenger Night at the Nat, there was a discounted ticket price of $11 for the game. it was the San Diego Chicken Night too so the kids had a blast. About 300 Tickets were purchased by Challenger leagues it was well attended. Our season ending with a Wrap up and BBQ with awards for the players and coaches.
Challenger is a positive program for our Association and our community. Our goal is to grow this program, serving families in our community and giving kids in our association the opportunity to volunteer and help others. We are excitied about the 2016 Season. Registration is now open for the 2016 season on our website.Challenger Thank You 2015 Sponsors
Thanks to Our SPONSORS who made it Happen!
A Few Messages from our Families to our Sponsors
What an amazing opportunity for my son! Thank You for helping make this team possible! Lisa Champagne & Family
Thank You for helping to make this season of baseball possible. It was a joy to experience the delight we saw as our children played. Eva & Family
Thanks for helping us play ball. Alexander & Family
Mike Pratt and BMO Wealth Management are proud to support Challenger Baseball in Abbotsford
Title Sponsor BMO. With out Mike Pratt and BMO we would not have been able to make this a no fee program for the players. We also used the money to make our Team Jerseys and provide batting helmets for every player.
Thanks Mike Pratt!
Equipment Sponsor, Jays Cares Foundation
First Aid Kit
Practice Balls
Equipment Bag
Thanks SpeedPro Signs Abbotsford!
Team Banners
Helmet Decals
Big Thanks to Coach Richard Rabinovitch and the AAHA Midget team that donated $228 team money they had left over from their 2014 Season. This money went towards our Challenger Wrap up BBQ.
Thank You Daphne & Sid from McDonlad's
Coaches Gifts; Mugs and Coffee
Player Gifts for Season Wrap up
Apple slices for our wrap party
Thank You Pita Pita!
Player of the Game Awards for each player.
Pita Pit has been supporting Abboford Angels Baseball for several seasons. Each year they provide "Player of the Game" awards, which entitles each player to a Pita or Smoothie.
Challenger Catch Up!
It's been serveral weeks since our last post about Abbotsford Challenger, it's been busy! Here is a catch up post on what's been happening the last few weeks.
Next post will be an update on our Last Game and Team Wrap Up
We took the May long weekend off so families could get out of town. Then we were back at it.
Saturday May 23rd
Bantam AA came out a 2nd time to help with our game and they did another outstanding job. Its easy to see how much they got from the experience and how much the players enjoyed it,
Abby News Article on Cody
If you missed it there was a great article on the front page of the Abby News about one of our Challenger Players, Cody Mutch. Here an excerpt about the part on Challenger
He also recently began playing with Challenger Baseball, a newly formed division of the Abbotsford Angels Hardball Association. The team is for kids with disabilities who are paired with buddies to help them swing the bat and run the bases.Corinne prepared Cody for the new experience by reading books about baseball with him and having him feel the pieces of equipment, but initially he was overwhelmed with all the noise and the new environment.Corinne took him back to the park when nobody was there. They sat in the dugout and she had Cody run his hands along the chain-link fence, and run the bases. His next game with the team went much more smoothly, and Corinne anticipates continued improvement.
See the whole article here
Saturday May 30
Game and Team Pictures
Open Ceromonies started at 11AM.
Ronald McDonald was there and Bob Brown Bear.
We had a game in the morning, followed by a lunch break, a second game, and finally the closing cermonies.
A big highlight from the Jamboree day was many of our kids started to hit off pitching! Ethan blasted one out to the out field and Katelyn, Max, Eva, all tried hitting from a pitch.
Each player received a Medal and a Jamboree shirt. It was a great event and fun day.
Next post will be an update on our Last Game and Team Wrap Up
Game 4: Challenger Baseball
Abbotsford Challenger News and Game 4 Highlights
A Highlight for us this week was having the Bantam AA Team come out to the came. The players did a fantastic job being buddies. Thanks Players and Coaches!
Game 4, saw the Abbotsford Cardinals and the Abbotsford Bluejays facing off again. The weather was beautiful. The field was in great shape with freshly painted lines, on deck circles, and a big "A" for Angels behind home plate. [Thanks Bantam AA Coaches for the field setup]
We had three solid innings of baseball. It was a close game. Big offence from the Bluejays;
Jared had a huge day at the plate. In the first inning he hit a home run. Alexander went 3 for 3. Ethan also had a home run knocking in all the runners. Noah and Nathan both showed outstanding base running.
The Cardinals were an equal match with great defence, not giving up much. Eva made several good plays on the ball with good throws to first. Katelyn and Eva in the second inning teamed up on a short hit ball and made a play to 1st, with the blue jay runner just beating out the throw. On offence Alexander continued his hot streak at the plate. Along with Cody who has improved each week at the plate. Aydan and Max both continue to help out on offence and defence.
Great Game! Way to Go Blue Jays! Way to Go Cardinals! Another Entertaining game the fans loved it!
NEXT WEEK Our Guests will be the Abbotsford Cardinals Team
Highlights from Challenger Game Two

Challenger Game Two
Game two on Saturday April 18, 2015 at Ridgeview Park started with GREAT weather. The warmer weather really made it way more comfortable for the kids for game 2. Definitely one of the highlights from our second game was just seeing how much more comfortable the kids were coming to the field to play ball. Some of the kids that had a really hard time the first week, it was noticeable that they were having fun.
One of the kids who had a great week two was Cody. Cody pictured here rounding 3rd!
Way to go Cody!
Opening Day for Challenger
Saturday April 11, 2015
Opening Day!
What an exciting and fun day it was, Saturday April 11 at Ridgeview Park in Abbotsford. It was the opening day for Challenger Baseball. After the planning and the anticipation it was great to finally have our first game. The weather cooperated and sun even came out.
Thirteen players signed up for Challenger so far this season. Players were divided into two teams, "Cardinals" and "Blue Jays."
Thirteen volunteers signed up online to be buddies to assist the players during game. The volunteers included; Players, Coaches, and Parents from our association along with other members from the community. Volunteers arrived at 9:30 AM and put on a Challenger Volunteer Shirt. Before the players arrived we started with a quick buddy clinic to review the rules for being a buddy.
As players arrived they were given a uniform and paired with a buddy. Players and Buddy's played catch before the game.
Then it was Game Time!
It was an awesome opening day.
First Post
Welcome to the Abbotsford Challenger Baseball Blog!
Here is where you will find the latest news on the Abbotsford Challenger Baseball Program.
Challenger is a division of the Abbotsford Angels. This will be the first season for Challenger in Abbotsford. Our association is super excited to be able to include Challenger as a division this year.
Opening day for Challenger is April 11, 2015
If you would like more info on Challenger or would like to help with Challenger please email